Elections In Lebanon: How To Check If You're On The Voters' Register

The upcoming parliamentary elections in Lebanon is set to be held in May 2017. Lebanese people will be electing a new parliament after several postponements (2013 and 2014).

The list of Lebanese citizens who have attained the voting age (21+) and are allowed to vote is now online for citizens to check their information.
Source: www.facebook.com/lebanonelections

To check the accuracy of your data on the Voters' Register, follow the steps below:

1- Go to www.dgps.gov.lb or click here, using Internet Explorer/Edge or Safari.
2- Click on "القوائم الإنتخابية"
3- Choose your Mohafaza, Caza, Village, Gender and Sect.
4- Skim through the pages until you find your registration number (رقم السجل). If you don't remember it, check the back of your ID.
5- Check if all your data are accurate.

Alternatively, you can check your records by calling 1766 or visit your Mekhtar.

In case there is an error, you should go to your Mekhtar as soon as possible. The last day to make corrections is 10th of March.

You can watch the voter registration campaign video prepared by The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Lebanese Elections Assistance Project (LEAP), here:

Elections In Lebanon: How To Check If You're On The Voters' Register Elections In Lebanon: How To Check If You're On The Voters' Register Reviewed by Armen on 2:57:00 AM Rating: 5

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