Armenian Christmas: How To Congratulate It Correctly.

Republic Square, Yerevan, Armenia

Armenians celebrate Christmas on January 6.
It has become the norm that many Lebanese companies, brands, TV stations and others congratulate Armenians on their festive day in Armenian language, on social media channels, TV Stations, banners, etc... The Armenian community appreciates this act a lot, especially when they see it written in their language.

However, in the last few years, many of the congratulatory messages have been spelled wrong (eg. Շնորհավոր instead of Շնորհաւոր). What's the difference? Let me explain it briefly. The Armenian language has two branches: Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian. The two branches have different orthographies (spelling system). Armenians in Armenia and Artsakh Republic use the reformed orthography, and Armenians in Lebanon and the vast majority of the Armenian Diaspora use the classical orthography. So, it is wrong to write "Շնորհավոր" if it is addressed to Lebanese Armenians, but right if addressed to Armenians in Armenia.

Long story short, these are the correct ways to congratulate the Lebanese Armenian community:
"Շնորհաւոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ" - Merry Christmas
"Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի եւ Սուրբ Ծնունդ" - Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Armenian Christmas: How To Congratulate It Correctly. Armenian Christmas: How To Congratulate It Correctly. Reviewed by Armen on 8:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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