Yerevan's New Public Transportation System To Be Implemented Starting 2018

Marshrutka in Yerevan/Photo by Armen Bakkalian/2016

Yerevan Municipality mayor recently announced that starting 2018, Yerevan city will have a public transport system which follows European standards.

Currently, the primary mode of public transportation in the city is carried out by using Russian “GAZelle” and Ukrainian “Bogdan” buses (often called Marshrutkas). The law requires that buses stop only on designated bus-stops, especially on major streets.

The new system will get rid of the minibuses in the city, and the payment will be with cards/passes and distance-based. In the current system, a ride costs 100 drams (around $ 0.2 or 315 LBP) paid cash when leaving the bus, however in the new system it is anticipated to have the following price-list: 20 drams for 1km, 100 drams for 5km, and for distances exceeding 5km it will not remain 100 drams as now.

The anticipated cost for this change is 100 Million USD, and the municipality is negotiating with different organizations for investments.

Other means of public transportation in Yerevan are: Taxis, Electric Trolleybus, Yerevan Metro, and Yerevan Railway.

Yerevan's New Public Transportation System To Be Implemented Starting 2018 Yerevan's New Public Transportation System To Be Implemented Starting 2018 Reviewed by Armen on 7:34:00 PM Rating: 5

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