President of Armenia congratulates the newly elected President of Lebanon

Lebanon has been without a president since May 2014, after the term of the last President Michel Sleiman ended. A few days ago, on the 31st of October, Michel Aoun was elected as the new President of Lebanon.

On this occasion, President of Armenia Serge Sarkissian has sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected President, stating:

“I am confident that your years-long experience and endless dedication to the prosperous and safe future of Lebanon will contribute toward this goal. I have no doubt that during your tenure in office the friendship of the Armenian and Lebanese peoples, which comes from the depth of history, will strengthen even more and will acquire new qualities.
I wish you excellent health as well as strength and tenacity in reaching all your goals and implementation of all your programs.”

President of Armenia congratulates the newly elected President of Lebanon President of Armenia congratulates the newly elected President of Lebanon Reviewed by Armen on 3:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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